
2011, Sep 26
Dr Ramani Lifetime Achievement Award

Neuro Spinal Surgeons Association of India (NSSA) has for the first time instituted a Life Time Achievement Award in honour of Dr P S Ramani, Founder and President of NSSA for his life time dedication to the development of Neuro Spinal Surgery in India.

A committee consisting of three members has been nominated to select the candidate. Any senior spinal surgeon who has contributed significantly to the development of Spinal Surgery in the world or who is practising only spinal surgery and is a friend and well wisher of NSSA and attends its programmes regularly will be selected by the committee for the Award. and how it helps to accurately pin point target points on spine while doing surgery.

In 2011, during SPINE 2011 conference held in Bangalore from 9th till 11th September 2011, for the first time the Award was given to Dr Balaparmeshwara Rao, Senior Octogenarian Neuro Spinal Surgeon from Hyderabad who has contributed significantly to spinal surgery and who has done more than 5000 surgeries for Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc.

Dr Balaparameshwara Rao, being felicitated by Dr P S Ramani, Chief Guest, with Dr M S Moon, Senior Spinal Surgeon from Korea (behind Dr Rao), Dr Mohd. Maziad, Senior Spinal Surgeon from Egypt (to the right of Dr Ramani) alongwith Dr Futoshi Suetsuna from Japan, (extreme left), Dr Mohd. Haspani, Malaysia (extreme right) along with Dr Yashbir Dewan, Secretary of NSSA (in white shirt), Dr JKBC Parthiban, President elect of NSSA, Dr Komal Prasad, Associate Secretary of SPINE 2011 conference.

Dr T Hegde, President is seen (second from left) along with other invitees.