
2011, Aug 30
Ashok Patki felicitation


Shri Ashok Patki, noted marathi music director has been awarded 2011 MIFTA award for his outstanding music for the marathi film "MEE SINDHUTAI SAKPAL". He will receive the award at a glittering function to be held in London sometime in September.

It was a unique occasion for Dr P S Ramani to felicitate him, as president, on behalf of Goa Hindu Association on his 70th birthday. Shri Ashok Patki has been associated with Kala Vibhag of Goa Hindu Association since its inception in 1964 and has composed music for its several prestigious dramas purely out of his love, affection and dedication to the association and not as a commercial proposition.

The association is pleased with his achievements and sends him best wishes for many more awards in the years to come.

Seen in the picture is Dr P S Ramani felicitating Shri Ashok Patki and his wife.